Frequently Asked Questions


How do I register as a buyer on this marketplace?

You can create a buyer account using a valid email address. You can also sign up using your Google or Facebook account.

Is there any registration charge?

There is no charge at all. You can sign up as a buyer at free of cost.


What types of products are available on the platform?

The types of products available on the platform may vary depending on the suppliers, but they can include apparel, electronics, home goods, and more.

How do I place an order?

  • First, visit the listing page.
  • After that, add the product you want to buy to your shopping cart.
  • Next, insert your shipping details on the cart page.
  • Once you are done, provide the necessary information on the checkout page and complete the payment using your debit/credit card.
  • Can I view product prices without registering?

    In some cases, product prices may be available without registering, but you may need to log in or register to view certain details.

    Is there a minimum order price?

    Yes, most suppliers require a minimum order price, so it's important to check each product listing for specific details.

    How can I cancel or change my order?

    You can contact us directly in case you need to cancel or change your order.

    Do I need an account to place an order?

    It is not required to have an account to place orders. However, we recommend creating an account to keep records of your orders. You can also benefit from our offers as a registered retailer.

    How do I track my order?

    You can track your order and shipment by logging into your account and viewing the order status or tracking information provided by the supplier.

    Do I get to return a product?

    Yes, please visit the refund policy page to learn more about it.

    What if I receive a damaged or defective product?

    If you receive a damaged or defective product, you should contact us as soon as possible for further actions.


    How do I receive my products?

    You will get your products delivered to your desired location by the supplier you are purchasing from.

    How long will it take to get my package?

    The delivery time may vary from one supplier to another. However, you will be notified about the approximate time via email.


    What payment methods are accepted?

    We have integrated with Stripe payment gateway. So, you can use your debit/credit card to complete the payment online as long as your card provider does not have any restrictions on transactions via Stripe.

    How do I get assurance about a safe transaction?

    We are using Stripe for processing payments — a reputable payment processor that offers secure online payment solutions to businesses of all sizes. They use industry-standard security protocols and encryption to protect the privacy and security of their users' sensitive information. Stripe is also compliant with PCI DSS, a set of standards established by major card brands to ensure the secure handling of cardholder data. Additionally, Stripe offers fraud protection tools and support to help businesses prevent and mitigate fraudulent transactions. Overall, Stripe is a safe and reliable option for making online payments.
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